December 2008

A look back at 2008

I have put together a slideshow of all the screengrabs from all of Michael's work this year...


Playing catch-up

I am about one full day behind on the clips, due to various software "issues" and the fact that my totally unreasonable employer insists that I come in to work even when I have far more important things to do! The most famous footwear since Cinderella left the ball meant that Michael was on during ten of the eighteen hours of live programming on Domestic Monday. Add in another three clips from International, and he's already been on this morning, and...

At any rate, hopefully today will allow me to at least catch up on the clips; transcripts may take a few more days.

UPDATE: All clips and available transcripts from Monday are now up.

International clips and the MJ article

The amazing Délie sent me seven clips that Michael did on International yesterday, including a piece for BackStory. One program was before the NewsRoom clip already posted, the rest were after it.

Also, the MJ article has been posted everywhere on the web by now, so I no longer feel any compunction in posting it here:

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Link to the MJ article and another photo

Men's Journal has now posted "CNN's Prisoner of War" online, and they show a different photograph than the one in the print version:


Men's Journal interview

The January issue of Men's Journal has a three-page interview with Michael. It's a very intense read, to put it mildly. The author interviewed him twice, once in late April in Amsterdam (while Michael was catching up on all the sleep he missed while putting the Surge special together) and again by phone in October.


Photo from October

A photo of Michael from the IAVA/MTV concert in October. I found this on Flickr:

It's good to have him back in Baghdad. Hopefully we'll get some more info about what's going on over there!