TSR: Jill Carroll's proof of life

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Length: 2:31

WOLF BLITZER: Let's get more on the abduction of this American journalist. We're joined for that from New York by Michael Ware, he's Time magazine's Baghdad Bureau Chief. Michael, thanks very much for joining us. First of all, do you know Jill?


BLITZER: Tell us a little bit about her?

WARE: Well, she's a very dedicated journalist, very warm, very generous, and passionately interested in the plight of the Iraqi people. So what her family and her publication is saying is true. The sad fact, however, is that most likely will have little to no bearing on her captors. Journalists have no blanket of protection, immunity, or are seen as objective bystanders in any way by the insurgents or the criminals who are behind most of these kidnappings.

BLITZER: Here's the irony. She's very sympathetic to the plight of the Iraqi people. She speaks Arabic, she knows what she is reporting and you're saying that doesn't make a difference?

WARE: No, not really. Journalists, really, as many groups -- from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's al-Qaeda organization, to many of the nationalist insurgent groups -- have said, are just in the way, they're part of the problem not part of the solution, essentially. The insurgents don't need the journalists as a filter to the rest of the world or as an outlet. They have the Internet, they have the Arab satellite channels. We're just an impediment. So, no, this will be no protection whatsoever, I'm afraid.

BLITZER: There are lots of kidnappings going on all the time in Iraq. Some are ideological, politically oriented, but others are strictly there for the ransom, for the money. How do we know which category this might fit in.

WARE: Well, it's very hard to determine, as you can imagine. I've been studying the early indicators so far in Jill's case. Until this point, the most disturbing element had been any absence of proof of life or any statement of responsibility. We now have that. That's a blessing, and Jill's family should hold out hope. However, Jill now enters the maelstrom. We've seen this situation before where a demand has been made that the kidnappers know will not be met. Indeed, we've heard in the past, the American military say, "We hold no female prisoners." So what we're coming down to now is one of two things or a combination of both, which is money or political maneuver. Unless we see either one, unless we see the kidnappers reach out for this in a secret back channel, then things could become very difficult and complicated.

BLITZER: Well, we'll hope for the best. Michael Ware, thanks very much for joining us. Michael Ware of Time Magazine, our sister publication.